Sunday 21 October 2012

Thinking aloud...: He and Me !! :)

Thinking aloud...: He and Me !! :): Me…Shruti… ok looking, more than average in height, hopefully average in brains too, ahem…good in academics, being born to Doctor parents, ...

He and Me !! :)

ok looking, more than average in height, hopefully average in brains too, ahem…good in academics, being born to Doctor parents, luckily brought up in a place in which affluence was default, my Bhilai Steel Plant !! people were and are well educated, well mannered, disciplined, courteous, etc etc and from all parts of the globe  interconnected by the Steel Plant. No wonder I too was addicted to my Bhilai.

I started my medical graduation from Pt J N M Medical College Raipur, my only dream since I was a small girl, and which became an obsession after Bhaiya took admission there, and would relate stories from there ever so often.

Being from a no nonsense but loving and close-knit family, all my concentration was adapting to the world that was outside of my family of five, and searching for moments, minutes, hours that I could snatch from my routine to rush back to Bhilai.  never had to stress to study, having had a greater and more serious problem of home sickness :)))….always envied the day-scholars and always felt proud when friends chided us with, “ye toh Bhilaians hai, ye toh bas jab dekho ghar bhaagte hain !!” I used to smile with pride at that !! :))))

Saturday evenings, running betahaasha on the platform to catch the crowdy smelly Local train, but the happiest when managed to get into it….we girls chatting, laughing, gossiping our way back to Bhilai…..pouncing on anything eatable in sight on the dining table, greeted by smiling mamma and papa……sitting on floor besides mum with a Parachute Coconut Oil Bottle and chatting with her non stop while she softly applied oil on the head, relieving all the Headache stat.
Bright and beautiful Sunday mornings, with the Samosa Jalebi from Utkal Sweet Home, that later became Utkal Mishthan Bhandar as a ritual since ages.
Monday early, very Early Mornings were the Worst when we returned to Raipur with a heavy heart, many a time getting late and crossing the Goods-train from below….how daring could we be……..

Well, thus MBBS flew past fast and I actually became what I aspired to be all my life…a Doctor !! my White Coat, My Stethoscope…..officially entitled to use them. I remember vividly…the last day of MBBS Final, I rushed to the STD PCO…[life was without cell fones back then :) ]…I was dressed in a designer and ‘costly’ suit, had made French plaits of my hair….Danglers in my ear-lobes….my smile, the fullest and liveliest…wore high, no very high heels, reducing my pace to tiny baby steps yet happy with it, bouncing away…
I called Papa in his Hospital…..his voice answered from the other end,
 “hello, Gudmorning, Dr Mishra here…”….
I said, hardly able to suppress a chuckle,
“Ham bhi Dr Mishra bol rahe hain !!!” :)……….
And then…we both laughed in delight for quite sometime…….he remembers that conversation fondly ever so often….:)

Khair, thus started my Internship….monthly and fortnightly slots in various departments as a Doctor, and basked on the feeling of Practically learning from ABC what being a medical professional was all about….
Every department had a hierarchy from Professors and HOD to Asst Professors, to Lecturers to three steps of Residents, doing PGs, viz the Senior Resident, Junior Resident and the Poor Poor House-man, having just joined and working more than the Physical and Mental extremes of his/her capacity….

I remind the reader, how all the previous years in college had gone being juggled between Frnds, Studies and Learning to Live outside the secure world of Bhilai…..
Here the atmosphere was relaxed only for the Clan of Interns who were actually on their own and free to learn as much as they could, plus with the Pre PG exams on head, no one wanted to trouble them too much.….

We were three close very close inseparable friends, their names starting from ‘P’, ‘R’ and Mine ‘S’and batchwise, we had postings in different departments. P had her posting in Surgery in May, R in Gynaec, and me in Paeds…..every day, we used to meet up after the first half and relate the goings on of our depts with each other.
During internship, we had the most interaction with the residents of the depts, more so with the House-officers, who were allowed to delegate some of their astronomical work load to the Interns.

So every other day, we used to visit each other’s depts too. In our conversations, we used to discuss the professors and residents too, helping to prepare the others for their subsequent postings in these depts. Generally the house-men used to be seen running about, involved in all kinds of chores.

There were a couple of medical shops near the med college, with std-pcos and thus were the frequent haunts for the medical students. One fine morning, we girls were sitting there waiting for our turn at the phone, when we saw one of the Surgery house men come for Paracetamol tab. P later told us, [she was posted in Surg then] that his name was Shravan, and he was doing continuous duties despite running high grade fever. And this morning too, we realized, he had come there only to get that Paracetamol to help him continue his duties.

 While he was returning to the college, I saw something which instantly caught my attention and set him apart for me. The scooter that he kicked start and zoomed away on, was an old, very old model of Vespa, and the back seat which was actually detached from the body of the scooter, was tied by a plastic IV fluid tubing, securing it to the scooter !! :)

He went away, but I sat pondering…..i was told previously that his father was a Surgeon at some place near Bhopal. Well well, what I was seeing was a complete contrast to what I had heard. A boy these days even before entering his teens is hell bent on procuring a bike, what to say about a boy, who is doing PG…..most boys would never agree to be seen in an old tattered scooter. But this one person didn’t mind that at all !!

Another thought brought a smile on my face…..the back seat unrepaired and secured by a plastic tubing ?!!....of course he doesn’t seem to be having a steady girlfriend either !!...ahem :)))))

Time passed, internship continued….this incident too blurred a bit. After 2 months R got posted there, so our visits to surg dept continued. Only, now I did seem to take notice of this boy’s doings….nothing more though, because of many reasons…
-my strict family
-it was predecided that I would not be married out of caste
-my Bro and Papa were the Best made Men by God, others were all lesser mortals !!:))) and they were also the final authority for any thing regarding my marriage.
-I had decided not to marry out of Bhilai-Raipur…staying away was un-fathomable…
- He used to smoke, and that according to me was an outright No in my Mr Right more so Me being an asthmatic.
[ when asked why he smoked, he had answered that when I meet the girl who asks me to quit, I will…. Fine sir, good pretext !! :)))]
Hence thinking about anyone in any way wasn’t thinkable, and Shravan was no exception.

After R’s posting of two months, started my posting in his dept, and to my surprise, in his Unit too. We were asked to do whatever work was entrusted to us by our house men, which here was Shravan and his colleague. I was at ease from day one because in the last four months, I had been getting a gud rapport of him from my friends that he was a well mannered workaholic easy to get along with.
As days went by, I started liking him more each day for his sincerity and honesty as well though we girls used to have fun counting the number of girls around who were ‘after’ him, and to state the truth we did calculate Fifteen to our knowledge who were supposed to be eyeing him !! :)))….

This was all the more reason to take him as a good person and some what a friend in those days, Friend I say for the simple reason that I used to feel very comfortable interacting with him and being in his presence livened up the moods of all. He was so to say the only Male, that I interacted with so much who was Not Family…..strange but true, the college years had passed without any consequence. My not participating in the Celebs, picnics etc was one more reason for this.

As the first month neared its end I can say I had made a good friend in him, and even started telling him about-The fifteen. We enjoyed teasing him so much, more so because the moment you named a girl, he would blush, yet outwardly show all the macho no nonsense attitude, and we girls had our share of the fun.

Days passed…..and it was about a week left for my surgery  posting to end. It was a common practice for the senior residents to take their junior residents and interns for coffee or snacks in the Indian Coffee House of our Hosp. I never had been alone with him till now, always with his or my colleagues, but it was on the 24th of October, as luck would have it, R and P both were absent. Our work was nearly done for the day, I was ready to leave, when he casually said, ‘I feel like having a cup of coffee’…..before I could even think, chatter box that I am, words came out spontaneously…. ‘ok lets go to the ICH’. i had expected an instant ‘lets go’ but contrary to that, he said with a grave expression…. ‘I am not in a mood to have coffee in the ICH !! Even then I didn’t suspect anything, I said ‘ok, then where do you want?’ I said on the way out…
To this he stopped short, as if confirming in is mind his words before letting them out,
‘somewhere outside the hospital, maybe Vega ?!!’[it was a restaurant near abouts]…………..

Uh oh !! What was this ?! I heard the danger bells ringing in my head, but in face of the last few months, I convinced myself it was a casual statement. My head was working fast, I didn’t want to give awkward expressions, lest he thinks I am being suspicious, I respected him too much to let that happen. Yet I was scared both my friends being absent, for the simple reason that I hadn’t gone out anywhere with anyone before, and calling it a some kind of Date seemed rude to me. Besides, though it may have been unthinkable for me, it was a common practice among colleagues, so maybe he was talking very very casually.
Anyways whatever the consequences, I didn’t want to say No, now, so I said,
 ‘alright, you reach there, I’ll join you’. We agreed upon that and dispersed.

 It was 2.30 pm, hardly time suitable for coffee !! :))) he had asked me to be there by 3 pm. I reached my hostel room, and summoned all my mental forces to analyse  the situation. How I missed R then. Well after a deep breath I got up, washed my face and in the same office attire that I was in, hanging the same big bag on my shoulders, I started towards Vega, which was very near the College. I was in my Luna super. When I reached there and locked it, I felt for a moment to restart it and run away, but was too proud and stubborn to do so, hence again took a deep breath and started inside.

I entered the restaurant from the Other door, not the proper Entrance, because it was nearer the stand. I saw him sitting with his back to me, a half filled glass of cold-drink on the table and an ash-tray with a few stubs in it, one between his fingers, that he was smoking.

As if I hadn’t seen this, I crossed him, went on to sit in front, he stood up in chivalry till I sat down. I felt superbly uncomfortable and to ease the atmosphere, started blabbering all kinds of non sense, simply to make some conversation and diminish the awkwardness therein. The only fact rampant was that things wont be the same any longer for me.

He was quieter, and after a few minutes, suddenly threw this question at me,
“Do you know why I asked you here ?!”
Oh-my-God !! no, I didn’t want to answer this, nor did I want to hear what the answer was. No, I couldn’t take any more…..
I just gave a questioning look bravely hoping not to give away how weak and vulnerable I was feeling on the inside….
He went on……
“I brought you here to Propose to You !!!!!!!!!”

I remember clearly the look on his face then.
The only words that came out as a reflex response or defence maybe, were, ‘what kind of non sense is this?’
…….and then I was…..mum…..

Cant express in words what I was feeling then, Shock, denial, fear, dread all together…..i was numb !! here was the person I had got to like so much, sitting in front of me, giving Me the honour of asking to share his life with, and here I was with a very strange kind of feeling gripping my very being…….

My tiny little Heart which had lain in a corner, unattended to till then, had opened its big bright eyes to this Welcome Warmth, alien to it……and started Beating…..Beating Hard and Loud, I feared He might even hear the thumping !! :)))… wanted to shout, scream….it wanted to dance and say Yes, I want to be Yours……

I strangulated it stat and To save myself from further damage, I speedily explained that what he was asking, was Totally, Utterly, Completely  Impossible !!....for all the reasons that I had.
….the Heart was slain by the Head !!
………and then I shut up….

Our roles suddenly got reversed….he started talking…talking non stop…..i sat there with sealed lips….looking down at the table, crushing the Paneer Pakodas kept in the plate with a fork….not able to think…..Brain-Block !!

He said ‘Never mind Shruti, I Love you, that’s not my fault…and if You cannot love me, that’s not your fault either…
if you can consider spending your life with me, then let the story begin with a Cold Coffee…[I had told him once that I luved cold-coffee]
If not, still lets have a cup of Hot coffee !!…..’

He went on to explain very seriously with plain words, how he saw me at the med store and after our hellos, had asked as to who I was…..and gradually started liking me, and liking me more and more, so as to decide that I was the One for him… fact for my two months posting the senior resident had deliberately placed me in his unit [so it wasn’t a co incidence after all :) ]… he searched for chances to talk to me, meet me….later the Matron even told me that the day I hadn’t gone, he was moving about his work sadly asking her again and again whether I had turned up……how before coming here, he had told his friends that he was about to propose to me today, and they had warned him, that “her father is a Boxer and she is Rohit sir’s sister’….but he hadn’t paid any heed to that ….and then he threw the Brahmastra too….asked the waiter purposely to get a packet of Marlboro cigarettes….. making me feel worse….

Meanwhile, all the pakodas were in shreds, and he pushed the remaining plate towards me saying, ‘inko bhi nipta do [crush these too]…’ :)))
This made me smile and relax a bit, and I looked up, realizing the pain in my wrist and neck due to staying in one position for so long resting my head in my hand…

When i came, I had seen a part of an Airlines Envelope jutting out of his shirt pocket, and had casually asked what that was, when I had just sat, to which he hadn’t given any answer then.
Now he took out that envelope….saying,
 ‘you were asking about this ?! it is, I had written this for you…..
It was a small sweet poem, addressed to me…………………
[ I still have it with me :) ]
after I read it, he took it away and replaced it in his pocket….
I nearly died…..

He ordered two Hot Coffees, before we dispersed….. !! :(((

I speeded towards the hostel, and closed myself in my empty room……I Cried…..I Cried Big Time……
What if I had listened to my heart and said Yes ?....would I become a Bad Girl then ?
Why was I feeling guilty, as if I had committed a crime ?....
and that feeling was both ways,
For one, I felt I was betraying Papa and Bhaiya......
On the other, I felt I had wronged Shravan without any fault of his…..
Ohh…I thought my head would burst…..

I calmed down after a while. Having said No, had done at least my consciousness some good, and I promised myself I’d survive. At least I could face Papa with my head held high.
The next day going towards the hospital and the dept was seemingly the most difficult task. I walked very very slowly…reached there, tried to do my work away from wherever shravan could be found and ran away very early…towards medicine dept, where I expected to find R so that I could vent my thoughts.

As I was walking in the long corridor, I heard my name called from behind, clear….loud….correct pronunciation….Masculine voice...above the usual din of people…. “Shruti !!!”…
I turned……my heart gave an enormous leap… was him, standing at the far end of the corridor….i waited for any signs….but he just stood there looking straight at me…..i inferred I had no choice than to go to him…..
when I was a few steps short, he started speaking and walking simultaneously…
 ‘have you done the Burn Dressing of Bed no-xyz ?!’he asked...
….as I moved my head in negative, he said, ‘go and do it’….and moved away in some other direction.

I started towards the ward with a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t be there, while I am at it……I decided to get it over with and go away asap. That dressing used to take not less than 45 min. and to my chagrin, I saw him entering the ward when I was just few min through…..he sat at the table completing some paper work as I clumsily went on with my work.

I was a bit disappointed too…he seemed to be as normal as can be, and here I was feeling miserable as ever….but I got to know all this was a pretence….i heard the Head sister muttering, ‘whatever has happened to him today ?! he is mixing things up. .e.g. instead of Radha Bai, he had written Sadha bai in the sheet of the pt….after dressings, he left the Tap of the dressing room full on, wasn’t answering properly…..etc etc… :)

Well I did my work and ran away as fast as I could. Being in the same ward with him moving around, was too much for me to handle….how would the whole week pass, I hadn’t any idea….

That day I ran back to Bhilai, next day was Saturday, so I would go to the dept on Monday…that’ll take care of two more days….any how, seeing him functioning normally had lessened my guilt towards him a lot, now it was only me myself to tackle and I’d do that…..

Both the days were hell….being in Bhilai and at home too didn’t help…..and as I had already said No, I didn’t feel it relevant to trouble Mamma with my story….but keeping such huge emotional upheaval to myself was becoming nearly impossible. Previously I ahd thought I’d not go to Raipur this whole week but I didn’t want to take any favors for my attendance. Moreover, I was afraid I’d not be able to conceal everything and give myself away had I stayed at home longer. So with a heavy heart full of dread I returned back to Raipur by the Mon morning Local…

That day luckily my batchmates along with R came to the ward, sat and chatted till I finished my work and then we all went back together….so another day taken care of….siigh, still so many more to go…
what a misery…
my Head wanted the week to fly past in a second,
while my Heart felt sadder with each passing day at the thought of no further association ever….

On Wednesday, we had few girls of my batch there and he was about to teach them how to tap blood from the femoral vein….as I joined, he casually asked me too, ‘did u learn Femoral Tap ?!’
…again I turned my neck in negative. He asked me to join and taught us the process.
 Later I went on with my usual assigned work.
He came towards me when I was nearly done….stood there till I finished.
Then said ‘so, did u learn Femoral Tap today ?!’ as an obvious answer I said 'Yes', not looking at him…..he said, ‘then this calls for a Treat, isn’t it ?!’
[it was a culture in Med Coll whenver a junior accomplished some feat, he’d treat the colleagues, though again the bills would be paid by the Seniors only. ]

I smiled…we went to the ICH and had coffee….just then a Medical Rep came to detail his products there….they both talked like friends and he left a packet of cards on the ICH table….saying they were Seasons Greetings Cards that we could use….
as he went away, Shravan caught hold of a Card, opened it….wrote at the top left corner-“Dear Shravan,”…….and then wrote, “Yours,” at the right lower corner….then placed both the card and Pen towards me….
said, “Sign it !!!!”……….
…. It would become,

Dear Shravan,
……………..Shruti !!! :)

 I smiled again at his innocent smartness…..

I took it, wrote between the two words, “you haven’t lost a friend’ !! :)
Thus it became….….

Dear Shravan,
You haven’t lost a Friend !!
Shruti….. :)
He smiled back and kept that one in his pocket…..we said our gud byes

The next day was 31st , The Last Day in Surgery !!!!!!!......

It would otherwise be easier to pass that being the OT day for the Unit, but I was supposed to take signatures on the attendance diary from the House…. it was late when I finally got him….he signed it and I turned to leave after a brief thanx….

he said, ‘I had got a Card for you…..its of no use to me now.’
I said, ‘That’s mine and I think I should have it.’
He said, ‘It isn’t with me at the moment…of course, I do not roam about with it in my pocket.’
I smiled, ‘When can I collect it ?!’
Again it came, ‘Not here…’
Ok. Alright, I get the idea….
i said ‘Then how?!’
He said ‘ lets go for a Movie, I’ll give it there !!!’

Oh dear, why does he have to make things more and more difficult, how could this be possible ever…how could I even think of going to the movies alone with him….i stood there, looking down….i knew he understood this…..
so, after a while, when I didn’t respond, he said
‘ok never mind, I’ll bring it and give it to you when I have’
But by then I had made my decision, I said, ‘ok, where should I come ?!’
He said, ‘No…I’ll come to pick you up….you be ready….’

I was shocked at his Confidence…he was dead serious and authoritative.
This was just impossible…I could not be seen in the roads of Raipur, which was full of acquaintances, friends and it was very unlikely that Bhaiya wouldn’t know of this, and….to top it all, he too knew this fact…..

I had to decide fast…..and I did. Whatever happens, I would do this…...after all this was the last day that I was actually talking to him…from then on, I’d Never Ever have anything to do with him. Moreover these past few days were hell anyways.
So ‘I said, ok, I’ll wait…..’

In the room, I stood in front of Bhagwanji and Prayed…..
“Please God, Help me….take over from here for today…make the right things happen…make my decisions for me…. !!”

Just then I heard a call from the Bai below, that I had a fone call….i rushed down to receive the call. It was him….
there was a ruffling sound….
he said ‘Can you hear this ?’
I said, ‘Whats that?’
He said, I have today’s news paper in my hand and am looking over the movies screened today….
i said whatever you decide will be ok with me….
he told me the only See-able movie around was Vijeta being screened at a theatre in the main Market of Raipur. I said ok….he hung the fone saying,
‘I’ll be there in 10 min !!’

10 min??.....the show would start at 3 and it was only around 1.30 ?? I guessed he might not have seen the watch correctly….alright…it happens.
But true to his word he actually was at the Hostel gates in less than 10 min…..
i was called….
It was a walk of some metres before we could come out of the campus, and I saw him. I walked awkwardly towards him fearing every moment I would faint and fall, but finally reached there.

It was the self same scooter, his tattered Vespa !!
 I couldn’t help but smile, when I saw the back seat nicely secured to the scooter….
He started it and I sat…..oh no….i never felt this nervous ever. I tried to hold tightly the driver’s seat….couldn’t risk trusting the back seat you see :))))…..and he vroomed…..

I thought the whole world was staring at me, and everyone that we crossed I pictured him running to Bhaiya to complain….
Near the main market, it broke down !! :)))….i got down, he tilted it, checked the spark plug, and restarted…it took a lot many kicks to restart…..i was all sympathies :)
….i smiled again as I remembered Archie and his Car !! :)
…..alright, it was too early, so missing the movie wasn’t a problem at all. Thankfully it started and we resumed our “Journey” in Mid Afternoon Sun !! :)))

 Though we were in the direction of that particular theatre, he turned to a place nearby on the main road…it was a tiny but sleek joint for snacks, called Fast Track. He said stopping there, ‘lets have Coffee here first’….
I liked that place and It was generally full of medicos and other college students. It had high tables, with self service and many a time we wouldn’t get chairs either. Fine place to bring a girlfriend :)))…I laughed to myself and was comfortable. He brought the coffees….we sipped at them but I couldn’t see any bag or envelope…had he forgotten the card, I pondered….

A little while later when I couldn’t wait any longer, I asked him, ‘where’s my card?!’….he opened the first two buttons of his shirt….yes…..and I was all red cheeked with embarrassment…what’s this now ?!....he brought out the card….it was a medium sized beautiful Hallmark Card….seeing my expressions, he told me, that was how they used to keep their case sheets too, couldn’t keep a bag everytime, could they ?! :))))
….i luved the innocence.

Well, I opened it, it was the cutest card ever. The cover showing a sweet li’l boy standing in rain alone, a very red rose in his hands, hat, coat, tie and all….and on the inside, going away with a pretty girlfriend in a very frilly frock….the rose in her hand now, under one Umbrella. Aww…I loved it.
 I said, giving it to him, ‘write something !!’

He scribbled something in both sides and gave it back….
The front read, ‘you will get whatever you want in your life….
And on the inside was written, ‘but it will be of my choice !!’
……I didn’t understand the head or tail of it then but kept it securely in my Bag….my Prized Possession….. :)
[later i was explained that, He would help me wish high in life and then fulfil it all for me.... :)]

Later we took the tickets and sat inside the theatre…..the movie started, and we were chatting…he told about himself and I talked about – I don’t know what….:))…and the movie…well I never knew the story of Vijeta then, nor do I know it now :)))…..slowly the conversation drifted towards  the inevitable topic of why couldn’t we be together when we vibed so well…I started in details the problems that I had, of Caste, of my family where even uttering the word that I was deciding about my Marriage, was a Crime, a mark of being what I preferred to call a Bad Girl…even this revelation that I was sitting in a movie theatre with a boy could destroy all faith that my Parents had in me….
All the while that I talked in full about everything being Just Negative, he sat mum…listening….
when I stopped…he said….

‘Shruti, I have the solution to all your Problems !!’

I was obviously in shocked surprise…I looked towards him and asked, ‘what is it ?’

To this, he held out his hand, palm up, in front of me !!!
and continued staring at the screen…..
i kept looking at the hand….i had to make this decision now…..
....fortunately, I could…….and I Did !!
…..i slowly took my hand and placed it on his !!!!!!.......

He clasped my hand tightly, sort of, took it away and crossed his hands in front of his chest, still having mine in a tight grasp….he slid down in his chair, rested his head at the back rest of the chair….closed his eyes…and stay put……….
I on the contrary was happy…relaxed….felt free….no doubts remained….no hitches….the only thing True and Correct was this Moment… I Thanked God :)

…………..and we lived happily Ever After !!!!!....ahem :)))

To conclude, I post here the lines that I wrote to Him, on his first birthday after that fateful day………..

To My Beloved.........

Since the Time, when we started to Understand The Meaning of---'Struggle'
We've been Working Our Way Past the Triumphs and Setbacks.....
But...Gradually , the Going got Tougher...and a Time Came..
...When we could Manage no more.....
We Realised that we couldn't go-on...on our own...
Hopeless...Unable to move even a single step....Lost...
We looked up Desparately...
saw Each Other !!!

You Held Out Ur Hand To Me....I placed Mine on It....
The 'Miracle' Happened...

No..No..The Troubles Hadn't Vanished...
The Road Wasn't Smoothened Either.....

The Great Big Difference Now...was...
'YOU' and 'I' had become...
While 'You' or 'I 'couldn't accomplish........'WE' could...!!!

and Now I see...the Going is going to be still tougher.......
The Road still Narrower...
but, we r holding on tight….to Each Other !!

This Night might be the Darkest...yet,
...its only getting us closer and closer to the  approaching Dawn !!!

When the first Rays of Sun Alight...we'll be sitting in the Dew covered Grass…
…..Looking into each-others Triumphant eyes....
Though weary...with a few Bruises and Cuts too...
Will Go On...As ONE......Working our Way Through.....!!!


In The ICH.........the picture clicked by our esteemed senior, who told me then how he managed to get me in Unit 2....:)

Reciting the Poem, "To my Beloved" to him on his Birthday next year......the first after The Yes :)

Cutting the Cake.....the Lady in Blue is my Mom, seen with her sweet smile.... :)

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Bollywud Inflicted !!!....

Hidda mah Dearies !!! :)

“Bollywood inflicted !!”
....Inflicted ?!!
Yes, “Bollywood inflicted with an Epidemic !!”
…Epidemic ?!!
Yes, “Bollywud Inflicted with the Epidemic of a Fever !!”
…Fever ?!!
Yes, “Bollywud Inflicted big Time with the ZHK Fever !!!”
….ZHK Fever ?!!......

Chalo chhodo ye sab confusion. Ye bolo, how r u all ?!!
Oye aisa hai, ki innne saare din se twaade naal gal nai kitti si, te, saanu wadda madda madda, [bura bura ie] lag raa si…..te mai aa gayi apni bak bak de naal, twaade darbaar wich !! :)

Abhi kuchh din hue hum
“Ek tha Tiger,
Ek Tigrina,
dono mil gaye
bani Kahaani !!”….se guzre hain….jahaa ki long lost frnds Big Cat Salman and Cool Kattie Katrina bowled us over with their Chemistry, or so we have to believe !! :)

Of late…we have Hot Shot Kareena in Madhur Bhandarkar’s “Heroine” !! pata hai kya she was hell-bent on making a Different ie Hat Ke Item Number in it called the Hat Ke…oops I mean “Halkat Jawaani”, a better and more oomph than chikni chameli etc etc …..and after all the huffs and puffs, wat we actually see is a complete disaster of an item number…..Zaraa Hat Ke ke chakkar mey ekdum Hateli ho gaili hai !! :))))

Arre koi mohtarama ko samjhao ki Devi ji, you already have a one-up from the rest. Kaise?! Wo aise ki she has the most important requisite and asset in that, that She-Can-Act !!! :) then why this desperation ?? par nahi, maaneingi kahaa……Zaraa Hat Ke kuchh karna hai naa….Itttem number mey bhi…..see !! tch tch…

Aur maalum, Bhandarkar had approached her at the very outset, for Fashion, but Bebo Babes ke paas time nai tha…..
Then again it was she whom he approached for Heroine too, but fir se, she cudnt and the role was offered to Big B Bahu, Ash !! now wen she ‘reported sick’ with pregnancy, Madhur again went beseechingly to Kareena…..aaurr unki praarthna finally sweekar hui aur she agreed to do Heroine !! :)… that neither Ashie, nor Kattie dearest can actually Act….Bebo shud rest her fears in peace lekin nai….apne man ki hi kari naa Kareena, kya karein !! :/

Ek aur movie that came was a light romantic [ahem…:))] comedy Shirin Farhad ki toh nikal padi….. which bombed at the box office…..but so what, Farah Khan and Bomman Irani are hardly desperate for a hit movie…they enjoyed this movie as it is….i sometimes wonder though, who or what must have gotten the idea of the Hero being a UGs Salesman !!....kahin ye bhi Zaraa Hat Ke [ZHK] fever epidemic toh nahi !! :)))

Ab yahaa ek baar fir tawajjo chaahungi Kawaateen-o-Hazraat !! ek aur Fully Faltu Fillum hai…. ‘Joker’ !! Jo Jum kar Jokerpanti karne wali hai !!! :)ab ye toh Zaraa Hat Ke fever se bahut severly grasit hai re baba !!....
- Chitrangada Singh !! ab Who ?! mat poochhna….the sexy damsel of Desi Boyz….why was and is she not getting her due in bollywud I fail to understand !! anyways she was asked for this Item Number clled ‘Kafirana’in Joker, by Farah Khan jinke dimaag ki batti jali in a Beauty Parlour where she chanced upon Ms Singh……..despite the fact that she confessed she had never dn anything like that before….bcoz farah wanted it to be Zara Hat Ke……lo bolo !!
-Ab is item number mey outfit kuchh Laavani jaisa hai, but Farah says Laavani toh bahut saari aa rahi hain toh humne ise Zara Hat Ke banaya hai….its a bollywud mix…:))

Now, aur suno…becoz it had Maharashtrian lingo, the lyricist in the aim of making the main sentence Zara Hat Ke as “I want fakht you, I want fakht you, baby I want fakht you”……now now…. ‘Fakht’ meaning ‘just’ you, or only you…..toh….ahem…to save their necks from controversy, they made it “Just” !! phew…. :))

-Achha baat yahi khatm nahi hoti….they again have a Zaraa Hat Ke song… they claim ie… which in a single song, they have used all of 10 languages to ask the audience to Dance !!! :)))…and that is sung by Daler paaji [:)))] and Sonu Kakkar !!
Toh ye toh hadd hi ho gayi Zaraa Zyaada hi Hat ke….hain jee ?!! :))

Achchha aur pata hai kya, aajkal Sonakshi is air borne !!! haa bhai bahut hawaa mey ud rahi hai with lots of hits lately….what with Dabangg, Rowdy Rathore, and now Joker…..ab in deviji ko koi samjhaaye ki she’s actually a well sort after option to cast as a heroine opposite Veterans or to be Veterans like Akshay, Sallu miya etc….the same way as Jaya aunties [arre Jaya prada baba !! :)))] and Amrita Singhs were cast in the past opposite the likes of Dharam paaji, Shatru Sahab, Vinod Khanna etc !! :)) she has even gone on to say that she is replacing Katrina in her endorsement ventures !! again hadd hai bhai mugaalatein paalney ki !! :)

Ek aur pitcchher aane wali hai…a Zara Hat Ke movie in which Sri is making her Come back with a Bang !! ohho, apni Sridevi !! yes she’s coming in a movie called ‘English-vinglish’ !! where she’s looking super gorgeous and acting even better !! :)
 some mast dialogues too r there eg, an American asks, how will you survive in America, without knowing English? To which a an Indian working at the same counter answers stat…. “the same way as You Survive in India without knowing Hindi !!!” :)….m sure it will have a lot of claps from the audience every once in a while and a feel-gud-feeling for every Indian Housewife too !! :)

Ab last but not the least ek super cute movie to reckon with, is, “Barfi” !! :)
Its gonna show Ranbir in yet another endearing persona. He plays a deaf-mute in the flick and our Piggy Chops, apni Priyanka ie….a grl suffering frm Autism !! ab dekhna kittna jam ke over acting kareingi apni PC…wo kehte hain naa ki Diyaa bujhne ke pehle zor se bhabhaktaa hai !! waise hi !! :)))

Bole toh….oops….sorry, yahaa bole toh to hai hi nahi !! :) yu ki Ranbir Screeeeeamed Shouuuuuted, aaaaarghed, yellllled so much in Rockstar ki sab bole, bas kar !! ab chup !! ekkkdummmChupppp !!...u know naa…Zara Hat Ke !! :)))))
Having said that, he’s gonna mesmerize the audience with his mannerisms, expressions and innocence…giving a slightest tinge of Raj Kapoor’s that x-factor which reached out to the hearts of millions of audiences !! amen :)

Ab yahaa ek aur character hai who’s my personal favourite, and that’s Ileane d’cruz…playing ‘Shruti’- The Narrator !!!!! :) :) :) ….ab what cud be better befitting Fr Shruti than being the Narrator ?!! bolo bhalaa !! :)
aur maze ki baat, for this role…of Shruti ie [:)…can’t help, can I ?! :)))]….who was approached first, was none other than Katrina !!! :) [boy….am I luvin it !! :))]….which she unfortunately refused !! siiigh !! :/

Toh bhaiyaa, itttna saara Zara Hat Ke bolte bolte bolte bolte bhi, all that Bollywud ends up with is lots of…..Golmaals 1,2,3,4…..Don 1,2…Dabangg 1,2…..Jism tak bhi 1,2….Raaz 1,2,3…..Murder 1,2,3……aur toh aur Jannat ko bhi nahi bakshaa1,2…etc etc etc…endless sequels….in the hope of recreating the same magic…….bigger siiiigh !! :/

Anyways I toh is mayanagari ke mayajaal se nikalti hu….penning off with the prayer that Bollywud “Get-Well-Soon” ho jaaye from this epidemic….. asking God to send lots of Paracetamol their way !!! :)

So all of u out there….once again….Gud nite….sleep tight…..take care….see ya soon !! From me here at Page-3 !! :)
-Shruti :)


Thursday 9 August 2012

The Magical Being called "Friend"

The Magical Being called “Friend”

I sat at my desk, ready to pen down words…..words about friendship. Why ? Simply because I think I know pretty much what its about, having experienced it first hand.
Yes, I have been lucky to have basked in this singular experience called Friendship, an experience which actually had a lot to do in the very making of Me.

I was in my 4th standard, a bright student, privileged to belong to one of the renowned schools in town. Was as comfortable with life as a 9 yr old could be with quite a lot of  friends to call my own.

Early in the session, I had my first Hospital Admission with the Monster called Asthma striking, and to which I succumbed. Well it was thus a few days when I had to take a leave of absence from school.
On rejoining, the first dreadful thing that confronted me was to cover up the back log and so started hunting for notes.
 It was then that I was informed that while I was away we had a new admission in our class. This nice looking tall slim girl too was unto the same quest, needing notes to cover the syllabus till then.

That was when I met Shree and liked her instantly, hopefully she did too.:) so it was decided that we’d exchange notes. I’ll give my previous notes and she’d lend me those of these last 3-4 days. Another welcome thing was that she had shifted to a house just a few streets from mine.

After school, I went to her house for the same. Strangely enough it was a rare occurance because I was quite an introvert and going to friends’ houses wasn’t a regular practice.
Well it was a very sweet experience, both of us a bit awkward, meeting for the first time but being girls it wasn’t difficult…every girl can vouch for that. :)
More than that it must have been the vibes, that struck a cord between us and thence started my magical experience of having a Friend.

We were unbelievably comfortable with each other. It was the era of No Mobile fones, and the way both our families were, sitting and doing nothing but just chatting away on phone was sheer time waste and neither preferred to do that. So, whatever we met was at school.
We sat together in the same bench, studied together, played together and above all,
bak-bak-bak-bak-bak….emptied our minds on each other, so very casually, it became our second nature,
and the topics were….wait-a-minute…Topics ??....oh, of course there weren’t any topics in particular. :) We just spoke our minds about any and everything under the sun, also, special mention here , about Bollywood movies. Whatever movies we saw, either of us, we’d exchange the story as explicitly as possible. :).

Come to think of it, it is so near impossible to find even a single person in today’s times, when you can just think aloud with no inhibitions and without having to think about
‘wo kya kahegi ?’

The saga went on, I do not remember us ever fighting, though we had our shares of differences in opinion. This bond became a strong force helping us through our innocent lives making all problems seem insignificant in the face of a huge psychological security. This is what I realize now, then, it was something as normal and natural as having our Parents for us.

Even as we were midway our middle school, it was clear which high school we’d go, after 8th, though again it was predecided that she’d persue Maths and me Biology, she for IIT and me for PMT.

Now when I see this era of net and mobile fones connecting people so effectively, utterly shaming 'Distance' which has nearly become a non entity…if only we had these back then.

But these plain waters of peace were wriggled with turbulent waves, with the information that her Papa had decided to put her into DPS – a branch of which was starting its first session then. So we went there on Day-1 of the first batch of 9th std.
To our shock and dismay they had single seating arrangement, wherein we had to sit singly. How I laugh when I remember now, because at that time it was nothing less than the very end of life, not being able to talk to each other except in intervals. :))).

That hell of a day ended finally and we rushed back to our old school HSS X with a Big sigh of relief, never to look back :).

But as we say, Man proposes- God disposes, our happiness was short-lived. It bombed on us that her papa was transferred to Durgapur and sh’d leave after 9th. We sat sad and helpless.

Seemingly within no time, she was gone….just like that. It was impossible to think we’d never be able to see each other or talk to each other…
 If it wasn’t for our families, it wouldn’t have been possible for us to take it all.

Indian postal services came to our rescue, and we started posting Inland Letters to each other. The moment one would get one, the same day one inland wud be posted back. We filled each and every corner of the writable space of the inland and again had a special slot for Bollywood here too :)

Time passed but couldn’t blurr our friendship.

It went on till 12th std, after we which started with our respective chosen Colleges, she into Engineering, and I into Medical….we even shared a couple of snaps, but as is obvious, the letters became less frequent as our lives took a whirlwind change with the metamorphosis into college life.

The letters became still infrequent after our marriages and settling in very different cities…

There was no contact for 6-7 yrs hence, while we were moulding and building our respective worlds…

Me being a medical person with a private setup had a cocooned and self sufficient life going for me, thus had neither the need nor inclination towards the world of www or net and the computers were used only for technical purposes.

One fine day, I got a call from one of my sweet school-mates [no not Shree]….and talking to her after a long span of 18-20 yrs was an exhilarating feeling. She informed me that they had an online school group running, that I should join, so that I can reconnect with my classmates once again.

This event got a sudden spark of hope into me, that I could reconnect with Shree too. That much was enough. I was in the know, the enormity and vastness of the range net had. So as soon as I could, I opened an e-mail account and joined the aforementioned group. Yes I did get to reconnect with childhood friends. But no Shree….oh I wasn’t disappointed at all. If I could reach thus far, I was sure to go further and my hopes only rose by the day, of finding Shree, as I saw the present pictures of friends happily settled in India and abroad with spouses and kids….

Days turned to months that in turn converted to yrs, and then the fateful day arrived when I came very near to finding out the whereabouts of Shree, when this selfsame mutual friend [God bless her] told me she had found a person who was known to one of Shree’s relatives. So she promised me she’d get back to me the next morning and give me the contact address or number on which I would be able to contact her directly.

That night was spent with difficulty. More so because the very next day was Shree’s Birthday !! I was now one hundred percent sure, I’d be able to directly wish her 'Happy Birthday' just like old times.
Oh what a feeling that would be…to talk to her again. Maybe i’d go and meet her wherever she was settled. I hoped she was in India itself. I thought I’d just choke with emotion on hearing her voice and won’t be able to talk atall, maybe crying or maybe laughing in delight…I knew not.

That fateful morning came, and with it came the call of our friend as promised…..
the words from the other end, that hit me hard were,
“Shruti, we are one month late !!”

…….what?? what did I hear ?? what did that mean ?? I asked her again and again, what do you mean ??

She clarified….we had lost her in a road accident just one month back, when she was fatally hit by a bus while crossing the road !!

Shree was no more…..!!
no more ?? how ?? there must’ve been some mistake….it couldn’t be !!….it just couldn’t be…..

And then I was filled with remorse….
if only I had tried harder !!…
if only I hadn’t lost touch !!…..if only….

I remember the words of Kahlil Gibran,
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
Who better than me could feel this then…..

What we shared, was an experience unique in itself…
I lost her….but remained, her memories….with me….in me….she was and will always be….in Me….till my last breath……

The only thing that I learnt was….
The Magical Being called a Friend is Rare !!

Frienship is Precious….cherish it…..savour it…help it grow…
…do not take it for granted… may not give you a second chance...
….do not let go…..Live it when u have it….
its not worth losing…...............Ever…..


Sunday 8 July 2012

"Bole Bachchan...Bole toh, Bol-Bachan !!" :)

“Bole Bachchan, Bol-Bachchan !!” :)…..

Hiyaa my Sweets, howz u all doing ?!….. :)

Gearing up for the ruthless Monday again I guess !!
...siigh…haa yaar….what to do….Tomorrow never comes but Monday does…every week !! :(((
Chalo koi nai…one bright side is that, once it comes, it has to eventually go….and pave way for the coming weekend !! so don’t fret guys….

Haan toh mai kahaa thi….yes !! wo kya hua ki, this weekend I managed to finally take out time to be theatre borne tagging along with my Phamily !! thank fully, we could procure tickets for this fateful movie ie Bol Bachchan……well, I say ‘thankfully’ here not because I was dyyyyyyying to see a movie of technical excellence or some classiest cinema doing the rounds….how could that be when I had heard all negative about it till then and yes, I had actually made up my mind that this movie was nothing but the tv show Comedy Circus on a larger scale, and would be even more difficult to jhelo for more than 2 full hrs…
…..i say thankfully because my 5 yr old sonny boy with his sis had already reached the ticket window and was Jumping up and down non stop, chanting endlessly….bol bachchan bol bachchan bol bachchan……so if I had so much as uttered the name of any other movie then, it would have been the End of my peace of mind……and true to this, he did dampen his antics a bit only when he heard his father’s voice announcing the name to the boy on the other side of the window…and it was only after this that he left us at peace and ran out to jump about outside……phew….
Though it may seem so, The dilemma wasn’t over yet for us :(( because the only show for which the tickets were available was to be screened at 10.50 pm !!!!!!!!!, the last show fr the day, which would eventually end by the beginning of the other day………. :( but as we weren’t left with any choice, we did take the tickets sure enuf that the kids would be very sleepy just after a few mins and then we would go home, not having to endure the whole farce…..
Okay…so at the fateful time, we entered the hall and to tell u the truth I was scared, entering a hall so late at night expecting an eerie atmosphere inside with a bare minimum humans, which would dwindle progressively…..

That was when I got the first Shock !!.....the hall was nearly full !!!!.....yes and we had to search for our seats with difficulty…..

Chalo bhaiya, ultimately we sat for bol bachchan with the assurance of popcorn and cds if at all it got insufferable midway. The title song began…..and I found myself having eyes only for the Big Bachchan, I hate to call him ‘Senior’ Bachchan :)….his actions his steps… doubt he is an Ace…..they all tried imitating those looong english speeded up sentence bits like that of the Amar Akbar Anthony, but none could come any near to the original !! :)

Amitabh Bachchan is a director’s delight, even today his demand hasn’t gone down….why, is it because he is a fine actor? the reason is that he Is entirely the director’s baby …..doing to perfection exactly what his director bids….not interfering atall in his job, while labouring hard for his own….e g he had sat for 8 hrs straight for the make up in Paa !!! how many would do that….thats the reason unko kabhi kaam ki kami naa hi hoti hai, naa kabhi hogi….warna ek actor kis kaam ka yadi uske paas koi kaam hi naa ho, hain jee ??!! :)

The movie went on and I started enjoying it. The songs when they came, it was hard not to shout, “ arre koi ise forward kar do bhai !!”…….

Asin !! God…..she was so intolerable with her overtly over acting and me-the-Best attitude dripping from her xpressions….well I used that time when she occupied the screen space to catch up my breath….
She does seem to be a lucky mascot for the movies though with her hattrick of Ghajini, Ready and Housefull-2…and now this too !! Bhagwanji ke bhi Khel niraley hai !! :/

Prachi Desai came as a fresh breeze to look at and yes acted ok too in that limited capacity that she had. Hope she gets roles in future which would harness her acting skills.

Ppl that we have sampled in Comedy Circus time and again were there doing their hammig bits as expected…eg Krushna Abhishek, VIP, etc….

The mast spicy part was Archana Pooran Singh as Zohra and Madhumati !!!!!!......her timing was perfect and I even found myself enjoying her shayari and its rendition too…..just luved her. She was actually more Likable and Lookable, than the so called S*** heroines who just took up the precious screen space only to increase the length of the movie with irrelevant song and dance sequences…. :)))

Abhishek Bachchan !!....the Real Abhishek Bachchan…no…mmm…err…the Real Abbas Ali….alias Fake Abhishek Bachchan, who is actually the Real Abhishek Bachchan !! No….i mean ….Abhi mai bolti hai, ki Abhi Abhi Baba, jo Abbas tha, aur jo Abhi bana Jo actually Abhi Baba hi tha…..Bole toh Ye Bol Bachchan se Bhagwan Bachaye, Bachcha Bachchan ke Bol aur Bachchan dono hi apni samajh ke baahar hai Baba...
….kyu maalum,
abhi dekho, Abhi Baba says that he never encashed on his Surname !!! HIS?????........who would care what his surname was, had it not been the real Bachchan surname…..meaning… was always He who actually survived due and due only to being lucky enuf to Be a Tag on The “Bachchan” name !!.....

Anyways maze ki baat ye, ki it took a Rohit Shetty, Ajay Devgn and a Rohit Shetty Film to actually bring out some Bol Bachchan from the Bachcha Bachchan and Revive his very Name, which was very nearly gone from everyones mind……
Bole toh, ab kam se kam ‘Abhishek Bachchan’, ye naam is movie ki wajah se kuchh din logo ke zehen mey rahega !! :))

And you know how pathetic and sorry situation it is,… took him many weeks to learn this kind of comedy !! hadd hai yaar…..bole toh in janaab ko shaayad comedy circus mey bhi entry nahi milegi !!...siigh….Bhagwan karein he learns from this experience !! :/

Bol Bahchcan was a typical Rohit Shetty movie, his style all over it, and which actually Banked on Ajay Devgn !! :)…..yes, his effortless straight faced comedy and yes again the non sense English sentences did get us in splits more often than not. It was a mindless comedy alright, but if it gets a whole hall laughing out loud, in the middle of the night, kids and adults alike, then I think its worth it. :)

The sorry part here was that for the sake of ethics and paying their respects to the 1970s Golmaal, Rohit got the copyright issue sorted…..but this went against him as it now gave a general picture that it’s a remake of Golmal or inevitably  getting compared to the original one and unfortunately the critics wont find the clean, technically right and by the book comedy here as expected from a remake. Well it wasn’t supposed to be a remake at all…it was a typical Rohit Shetty flick, and only the idea was taken from the original….but chalta hai…. :)

Ajay is very clear in his mind as to the basics…
When asked about song and dance not being his strong points, he said, “you are either comfortable in everything or nothing is comfortable. It’s the way you look at things. Everyday u need to think whether u’ll be able to perform or not…and this is what keeps u going,”

When asked whether he thinks he has finally tapped the nerve of commercial cinema, he says,
“I don’t think so…the day I do, I’ll stop giving flops….we try to figure out what the audience wants. The bottom line is, today the audience pays around 250-300 bucks on a movie ticket and they want to get entertained. They don’t want to be educated on class cinema. Entertainment could be action, romance comedy, anything but it has to be there.”
well…well said haan… :)
Speaking of action, there was ample Rohit Shetty action, with the hero playing frizbee with humans and cars blown up high…. :)

When asked about his take on ppl calling all the movies crossing the 100 cr mark as foolish, he says,
“I think it’s a case of sour grapes. Ppl who cant achieve this benchmark themselves will say this wasn’t the right cinema. You cant wrong the audience. If ur film has done 100 cr business, means atleast 50 cr have watched it. So do they mean all these ppl are foolish ? who are u making the films for then?? If u are making films for the audience you need to give them what they want, else just make movies fr urself and watch alone at home…”
Hmm…baat mey dum toh hai bhai !! :)

Aur pata hai kya when the film ended, it was not a sleepy sloppy audience coming out of the hall…it was a Crisp, Chirpy, Active, Happy and Live audience that came out…….. :)

Toh bhaiya, whole thing is that in this era of movies swarming the place with dirty themes and languages [ I recently read a film in the making called, “Phattu Saala”, now whats this ??], at least this is a movie that u can watch and enjoy comfortably with family and kids…..don’t look for sensibilities, just enjoy :)
….and for those who find it difficult to do so, then my sincere advice is to catch hold of any kid or kids u chance upon around u, take them along and have a watch…they’ll teach u how to enjoy. :)…..

So try it……aur fir mujhe bataana…. :)

Tab tak ke liye aagya dijiye !!

Bye bye-gud nite-see yaa…..till we meet again !! :)

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Nin hao !!! :)

Nin Hao !!!!! :)

Bole toh “Hello” !! in Chinese !!! :)….

Shanghai - Made in China !! purana wala tha….
Shanghai - Made in India !! naya wala tha !!...aur ab
Shanghai - Made in Bollywud !! Page-3 wala hai !! :)

And it’ll be released for ‘public use’ on 8th June !! :)

Now as the name suggests, it’s a ‘League se hatkar’movie !!
….arre bhai, ab India mey Shanghai ki baat hogi toh wo unconventional toh hogi hi naa….nai kyaa !! :)

Yes it actually is a Dibakar Banerjee movie. Dibakar Banerjee, of Khosla ka Ghosla and Love Sex aur Dhokha fame, that got him both Critical and Commercial acclaim, is back in the limelight with this much awaited [much awaited ??!! well I hadn’t heard of it before….] political thriller, having a gritty plot with a definite central idea. The movie will be screened at the IIFA Rocks.

The story revolves around politics and how it impacts common man. Its based on the novel “Z” by Vassilis Vassilikos [kassam se, I am not in the know what that is !! :)]

That’s not all….there are other things to its credit….like the star cast…

Abhay Deol…Wooh !! :)
He plays a No Nonsense, Powerful and Egoistic Tamil IAS officer to Perfection. Ab maze ki baat ye, ki wen Abhay was approached for this role, he says he was Scared !! Scared ??!!....yes, he says, he tried to persuade Dibakar to make his character that of some Punjabi Arya samaji [!!! :)))] that he cud do casually and with ease !! but his request wasn’t granted, and then he took it as a challenge and started looking out for someone who could teach him the accent !! and thus, a writer called Madi taught him the accent….the real one…[wow, that’s gud, at last we’ll see something substantial…more than just’yanna rascala’] :)

The exclusivity of this character is that ppl will be kept guessing whether it is a Positive or a Negative one….we can convincingly see whatever side we want to ie….so the character is a tricky one with many layers in the film !!…..grt !!

Now Abhay shares screen space with none other than Emraan Hashmi !!!!...and if there was some dissatisfaction about him being a no-personality-creature….heres what we have….in the movie he plays a local street goon Joginder Parmar, who’s a Porn film-maker [tch tch….there we go again…] and that too the paan stained teeth on that face of his flash all over the screen….://////

Ab yahaa tak toh theek hai, but the surprising thing is that everyone is raving about his ‘Brilliant’ performance in the flick !!! aur toh aur, they say, that it might turn out to be too intelligent for Emran Hashmi fans who generally come to see him in his usual………
Even Abhay says, “he is an underrated actor like me [:)]… and we haven’t received the success that we deserve…He [Emran ie] has acted brilliantly in the film and if somebody says he has surpassed me, I wont feel bad or jealous !!” hain ??!!….some modesty haan ??!! :)…..

Kalki Koechlin plays Shalini, a college pass-out going through some traumatic phase in her life….and as expected of her, she performs fabulously…

The Bengali  star Prasenjit Chatterjee, son of our yester years’ hero Biswajit who competed with the heroines in… ‘uski lipstick meri lipstick se zyada red kaise ??!!’ :)))…. [ andar ki baat batau, this star son has been divorced twice and his current wife is sm Arpita Pal from 2002 to present !!!…kya pataa iska number kab aayega ?!! :))] anyways he too its said, has acted very well as a social activist Dr Ahemdi….

Interestingly Dibakar has included one Item-Song too…[hmmm…not so league-se-hatkar then haan !!]…that’s “Imported Kamariya !!!!!!!” :)……he says this song holds a lotttt of relevance in the film [achchha !! wo kaise bhalaa ??!!] :)))… talks about the close connection between Politics and Bollywud !![haan wo toh hai !!]…..politicians know that Bollywud draws crowd…and as is obvious, they want to be where the crowd is [toh isme kaun si nayi baat hai??!!]…so they call India’s Top-rated [Rated ???!! :)))] actor Tina Ray to the small town to celebrate the new progressive India !!!...????.... “New Progressive India ??!!, by “Imported Kamariya ??!! ye toh too much ho gayaa bhai !!! :)))…

In a nut shell, the movie is a crisp, engaging thriller, with mind blowing performances….
So folks, we have to wait and see if a Brilliant Movie like this is lapped up by the box-office or not….

Shanghai Talks…Shanghai Shocks…and Shanghai Rocks !!!!....:)

….Kitna ??!!!....

ye dekhenge, 8 June ko………

….HuM-LoG !!!! :)…

Abhi ke liye its Gud Nite, Shubh Ratri, Shabba Khair !!! frm Page-3….

Sunday 27 May 2012



I feel sad…dejected…as I write this.

I need to clarify this at the very outset that I Am Not going to Justify any wrong doing here…..

Imagine us Doctors….we sat there viewing the whole episode, that in the end somehow brought everyone of us Medical professionals, into the witness box….and we were made to feel guilty....all of us…of acts that we may not have done at all….

If I get a Labour [delivery] call now, I’ll rush to the hospital and try to do the best I can for the mother and her baby….and what would I feel if the patient or the attendants ask me,
“ma’am  are u sure u need to get all these investigations done”,
 “are u sure u are doing the right thing not doing a Caesarean on my patient”,
“are u sure u Do need to do a Caesarean ??!!”……………

How will I convince my patient who needs a Hysterectomy, but after having watched smj, is totally uncertain and has lost all faith in a Doctor !! how miserable she’d be…..bcoz after all, a Patient-Doctor relationship is based only and only on Mutual Faith !!.....

I ask myself, “Is it all really worth it ??!!!........every moment, walking a tight-rope ??!!”
Why do I care ??”.....

But ironically, I Do…….

And inspite of everything, I’ll collect myself and try to do whatever best I can so that she leaves my Chamber and Hospital with a smile on her face………….

Smj Has Reach now… should use this power very very properly….generalizing anything might do more Harm than Help at times……..

Kahi aisa naa ho, that whatever shreds of Faith are remaining, of a patient on the doctor, go to shambles now……

Kahi aisa naa ho, that now if someone gets a pain-abdomen, due to lack faith, he suffers more of psychological stress than the physical ailment itself….

Kahi aisa naa ho, that because of the negativities, the ppl who are willing to, and are doing good get discouraged….this will be an irreversible blunder…..

Yes, Doctors are the Intelligent Lot…fine…and hence, as he said they can then employ very many ways and means to earn money…..then why don’t they go for easier methods….why do they slog all their lives…..always having to cope up with everyone around…..authorities, patients, staff….yes, even the lower most ones…..and to get what….perennial dissatisfaction from the family for not being able to be there with them as much as they should ??!!.......
…….sochne wali baat hai…..

Zaraa si Gandagi bhi safed chaadar par ujaagar ho jaati hai…..wahin ek pehle se mailey kapde par toh kitna bhi keechad uchhalo, uska kuchh nahi bigadta !!! such is the situation of us in this profession…..

And again I would like to say that because doctors are the more Decent and Read ppl of the lot, they tend to keep mum to maintain the decorum of their personality, not stooping low to place their stand…..and go on with their work as Health Care professionals taking everything in their stride quietly and politely……

How can we justify the increasing abusive behavior and man handling of doctors that’s on a high now…..
And still it is so ridiculous that We are the ones, expected to behave Sanely in a Saintly manner !!....

Now a little bit about Hysterectomy…..

Again, I don’t say that any surgery done when not indicated is right, yet I just want to bring some points in Light here…..

…the biggest culprit is our society and its roodhiwaadi orthodox customs. Most of you will agree that even in our homes, a woman is kept Isolated for those days when she is in her periods….exceptions in metros might be there, but mostly the scenario is such that during those days she’s kept away from Kitchen work and because then the work comes onto the MIL etc, or sometimes on husband, the days are really Broadcast…when everyone in the family and neighbors etc too come to know when and for how many days the woman was menstruating….and that’s not all, every single day that goes beyond 5 days is taken against her every month…..
At long last even if she is having just spotting but her periods last for 7-8 days she is taken to the gynaec….and when asked, “kya takleef hai?”, she says….. “mera mahina bigad gayaa hai !!!!!”……now they want a treatment that she should menstruate the way they want,
… in the quantity that they want,
….and for the duration too that they want !! this possible???,
 and then anything deviating from their wants is taken as a dreadful disease and the pt is labeled that….“iski bachchaadaani kharaab ho gayi hai”…..
…..and then they ask….is there any permanent solution other than surgery?....
…..when you say No…..thats it….that becomes the last nail on the coffin…..and then the family is bound to get that poor uterus out by hook or by crook……

Now God forbid, if a pt has an erosion, or a small innocent fibroid, the gynaec has to report that…..and the next question that pops up is……will it go completely with medicines??..... the course that it’ll take is not clearcut or predictable…..hence again….they want surgery….

The reproductive age of a woman is going on increasing with Menarche earlier and Menopause much later, periods of amenorrhoea very less because of less no of children , compared to the olden days when most of the time the women were either pregnant or in lactational amenorrhoea…..hence more the number of periods…..and the deviations too….

Life expectancy has been increasing hence is the risk of disease….

Lap Tubectomies….LTTs ie…done in huge numbers in Camps lead to seeding of infections due to poor sterilization, catering to such large amounts at a time….in turn more of intractable PID cases…..

STDs are going on increasing with Polygamous practices….

Level of Threshold from clinicians is lowering due to Demand Of Safe and Permanent treatment options…..

Zaraa sochiye….is it just the doctors responsible for hysterectomies of a whole village ?? we are talking about a major surgery takes no less than God to convince so many ppl with only wrong intention…
…..if only doctors could do that, then the VT programs would have been a grand success too….

So my appeal is…Beware…Before its too late……

There is Good, AND There is Bad !! its neither Only Gud, nor Only Bad….

May Discrimination Power prevail……………………

…..Satyameva jayate…………..

Saturday 26 May 2012

Cricket and Cars ??!! :)

Hiyaa all !!

“What words beget Boys’ undivided attention ??!!”.......

Chalo lets leave that question for a while…..
Pata hai kya…..i was just jumping through the channels with my remote…. When suddenly something Red, Very Rich Red crossed by……I switched back to that channel where it was….and I stuck there.…. :)

As is obvious, it was one movie promo….the frst face that I glanced on was of Sharman Joshi and a Red-Red FERRARI !!!!....yes a real one !! :)
I went on……What was this ?!!....

……onto the Khoj-been about it !!

…and here’s what revealed itself…
The movie is

 “Ferrari ki Sawaari !!”:)

….and before I could think that it was some mediocre comedy, it crashed on me that it was a Vidhu Vinod Chopra Movie !! well well, I was all smiles !! :)
It is directed by Rajesh Mapuskar !! now who’s he ?!! rest ur discomfort, he is Rajkumar Hirani’s assistant, and this movie is his brain-child, wherein Sharman is Debuting as the Lead Actor !! :)

Its not some uproarious hahahuhu comedy, but a combo of sentiments, emotions, drama, and situational comedy….
To add to it, Pritam’s Music is Guddam-gud !! :)

The Ferrari shown in it is a Real one, and that too none other than the one owned by Master Blaster, Sachin himself, that he sold/gifted [I know not]….to his entrepreneur friend Jayesh Desai…who in turn wanted it for his niece !!! Niece ??!!!!.....kyaa yaar, aisaa bhi hota hai…hain jee….humko to real Ferrari dekhne ya real mey touch karne ko nai milne ki aur ye janaab, “Niece” ko Gift kar rahe hain !!!!! Waah re Uparwale…Ajab teri Dunia aur Gajab tere Khel !!!!....siiiiigh !!.... :)

Now this remains to be seen whether the Little Master’s gonna be playing a comeo in it or not….becoz the Car is actually playing its Real Life Character of “Sachin Tendulkar’s Ferrari” !!! :)

Ek aur “Aakarshan” hai is movie mey….Vidya Balan !!!!!!.......aur dil thaam ke suniye….she’s doing an ‘Item number’ ….. “Malaa Jau De !!”:)
Word is doing the rounds that it has been shot perfectly too…
Par ek baat bolu…..i have my doubts…..
I saw the song…..and saw the not-so-thin Vidya doing Laawni in a somewhat slow number, replaying all….yes, ALL her overtly coquettish gestures and expressions. Now it remains to be seen whether the ‘Dirt’ will work for her all over again….
And that too when the Ferrari goes on flaunting itself all through the movie… !! :))))

It’s a heart warming story of small guys with their Big dreams…
Aur, ek baat to satya hai, that releasing on 15th June, ….with Sharman, Boman Irani and THE Ferrari… sure gonna be a joyride !!...... :)

Coming back to my question,

“What words beget Boys’ undivided attention ??!!.......

Among many things they are, “Cars and Cricket !!!” :)
…..and that’s what this movie is all about !!! :)

So get-set and…vVVVRRRRrrooooooom………….. :)

Sunday 13 May 2012


Episode-2, “Satyamev Jayate !!”…

Switched on the TV for the second episode, with crossed fingers.
No, I wasn’t in the least on to finding flaws or loop holes….not at all…any attempt at anything society-friendly, was good enough for me.

So, I was plain simple anxious, because I wanted it to go on……
The episode ended….and I was sitting there….with tearfilled eyes….but with a big Smile !!...feeling, only - Relief !!!!..... :)

I wasn’t at all concerned what any other person might think, but had made my own standards that I wished it would fulfill in the subsequent episodes….and it Had in this one…!! :)

To say the least, this Sunday morning hasn’t been generous to me…my son was running 103*F temp….my hubbs, a busy surgeon was about to go to the hospital….and I had some how managed to sit in front of TV at 11 am. Hubby dearest, inspite of being in a great big hurry, sat with me, and the moment we saw the kids in there, about to be instructed, he got up and brought the dull feverish child from the bedroom and placed him gently on my lap so that my son could also see first hand, what was being told. And surprisingly, he understood too….

Just few minutes back I myself had a one-to-one conversation with my kids…..about the issue, and they gladly employed me and their papa as their “Bodyguards” !! :)

At least I am in no risk of forgetting the child helpline no-1098, nor are my Kids !! :)

I was amazed at the ease in which such a difficult thing was explained to the most difficult audience….viz, KIDS !!....

Aamir had done it again….with Finesse, Ease, Conviction and to Perfection !!....not to forget, being Entertaining as well !! :)

He had done the relevant homework, and yet again….
Did have an answer…again having at least something solid that each and everyone in the audience could do…to contribute….

He Is making a Difference….
Social Reforms may not come in a day, But they are Underway with this show….involving each and every person alike…..

Every Genuine effort should be appreciated, however irregular, however incomplete, however small it may seem to some of us…..IF it is headed in the right direction !!...and this Show Sure Is…….
I for one, got another message loud and clear.……if you do believe in something….go ahead with it…..If it has to do any good, It will !!!...

Gradually we had started losing faith in the words “Satyamev Jayate”….which were slowly becoming just words…..
But now I am confident, the Meaning will Not be Lost !!!


Thursday 10 May 2012

Thinking aloud...: Satyamev-Jayate...?!!

Thinking aloud...: Satyamev-Jayate...?!!: hello ppl !! “Satyamev-Jayate !!”……“Truth alone prevails !!” Is it that simple ? no, it isn’t. In the era of Ramayana, there was this...


hello ppl !!

“Satyamev-Jayate !!”……“Truth alone prevails !!”

Is it that simple ? no, it isn’t.

In the era of Ramayana, there was this plain simple truth, with no adulteration….

but later, in Mahabharata…..was it the same ? no….it wasn’t….for making the truth finally prevail, lots and lots of calculations, manipulations, went underway…..

So, its not just saying, truth alone prevails…making it happen has much more to it…..

First requisite, is to understand the problem, the gravity and depth of it…

And then the ways and means to make it happen. Wo kehte hain naa….saam-daam-dand-bhed !!

Promotional ads started showing about this reality show hosted by Aamir Khan by the name of Satyameva Jayate….to be telecast at the Sunday prime time slot 11 am…the same that was allotted to Ramayana and later Mahabharata.

The way he talked in the ads was ok, but I just felt a tinge of ‘attitude’ in it. Any and everywhere it was about the show….the moment my laptop’s homepage came to life, there was this big ad filling half of it….the channel’s logo at the top of my tv screen had the head of Aamir on it all along…everywhere….

The rapport of being a perfectionist, fine, so it has to be a show with a difference alright for the sole reason that it was Aamir Khan’s baby, but considering the huge propaganda, I had only “huh, it remains to be seen whether the hype is worth it” for it….and obviously, was curious too…….

I missed out seeing it in the morning, but luckily got the repeat telecast at night and thankfully from the beginning. He was walking on the beach talking to us. Yes he was talking to us….this is not so with everyone. The art of communicating, of conversing with one and all, is rare, more so convincingly being honest and sincere…

……….and then it all started, started hammering down, one after the other….shocking everyone…!!!

When any two people start a conversation, they being two very different and discrete individuals, there are bound to be differences in opinions. Then how did this miracle happen ?!! that innumerable people stayed sort of hypnotized for those 90 minutes All Over The World !!!!!!!!

they were feeling what he wanted them to feel, crying when he knew they would, reacting the way he wanted them to, how is it that in the end every one was actually restless to do something substantial for the issue…now this every one comprises of such vast variety of people….

Because he had actually become “Them”, feeling the pain they felt, the frustration that they felt, touched their souls…..and as a bonus, having a solution too, moving one step ahead when they had seemingly laid down their arms…..surrendered….

It was  a Phenomenon…..that he made to happen…to every Indian….

Now people who want to criticize are saying, whether he’d be able to sustain the magic in the episodes to follow, whether the other 12 issues would be as significant, etc etc etc…..

I find it so ridiculous !! and this does go on to prove that even if u want to do gud for others, with no selfish reasons, u have to be prepared for enduring their criticisms as a side effect.

Now the problem…want to add my own opinion for that. Lets see an analogous situation…imagine someone keeping the doors and windows open and inviting the thief actually over a cup of tea to get the theft done in his house, how can then any amount of police or judiciary stop it ??? its all a matter of demand and supply….bad ppl are there everywhere, in every profession. Punishment to a meager number is not the  solution at all. We need to have a comprehensive approach.

Apart from the solution suggested in the show, what we need is,

-in the situation mentioned above, make the Property so Big and Precious that keeping it would become more profitable to the house owner than losing it to the thief….

For this we should make the privileges so many for the parents of a grl child, that having a daughter shud give them an equal stature in society as those boasting of having a son…eg…railway and flight tickets fees everywhere, shud hav significant concessions for girls, parents of first girl child and even more for parents of second girl…etc

I am dealing with pregnancy and childbirth first hand and believe me, programs like Ladli Lakshmi do work and make the having of a grl child not so disheartening….such programs can be increased…

And Govt Can do it….u will hardly find a pregnant woman, however remote village she resides in, to have had at least 2 doses of tetanus toxoid injections…..if this is possible, that can be too….

-half of the salary of a husband should automatically go to the account of his wife, whether she stays in sasural or mayka…and the husb shouldn’t be able to get divorce and remarry till she herself says that in writing…so that the grl’s parents are allayed of their fears about their daughters after marriage….

-educating the girls is of Utmost importance, making them self reliant, and independent… to take care of themselves….

-the difference between a boy and a girl should end….1 or 2 kids, that’s all. This can come only through awareness…..when a girl conceives and goes through the whole gestation period and finally delivers, she luves her “Child” whoever it is….its actually the attitude of her family, and relatives which makes her feel guilty if it’s a grl and proud if it’s a boy….

We need to spread this awareness in whatever domain we work in….from the moment we come out of our house, whatever human being we meet, whether our family, friends, staff or patients or their relatives, acquaintances etc….we shud give this message to each one of them… because, Yes we are a stronger Jadoo Ki Chhadi, our reach is much more….and we reach the hearts easier……

It may take some time for a Woman to luv her kind…..but it wont be Forever !!!.....

so lemme quote here...
Ho gayi hai peer parbat see pighalni chaahiye,

Is Himalay se koi Ganga nikalni chahiye…

Aaj ye Deewar Pardon ki tarah hilne lagi,

Shart lekin thi ki ye Buniyaad hilni chahiye…

Har Sadak par Har Gali me Har Nagar Har Gaanv mein,

Haath lehrate hue har Laash chalni chahiye…

Sirf Hungama khada karna mera maksad nahi,

Saari koshish hai ke ye Soorat Badalni Chahiye…

Mere Seene me nahi toh tere seene mey sahi,

Ho kahin bhi Aag, lekin Aag jalni chahiye……

Ho kahin bhi Aag, lekin Aag jalni Chahiye….....-poem by Dushyant Kumar

-amen :)

Friday 30 March 2012

Redefining Labor with DCD

Advances in Medical Science all over the Globe, aim at Predictable Planned and Personally tailored Management Protocol that is least
Invasive, Cost-effective and Simple…
We have succeeded too, mostly everywhere, except probably, Obstetrics, which still remains a completely unpredictable entity, bringing on helplessness in the obstetricians.
Its comparatively, the most unnoticed, unpredictable, and neglected process.
Well...maybe not anymore…
In an effort to combat this problem, we, at our hospital, started a Closely Monitored Labor management protocol which we named –The Day-Care Delivery Protocol [DCD Protocol], with subsequently Favorable Outcomes, without waiting for the Complications to actually set in.
The Concept of DCD-
Day-Care-Delivery can be defined as a planned activation and augmentation of labour at 38+ wks gestation, managed with the intention of vaginal delivery before nightfall.
It can result in a safe and predictable Feto-maternal Outcome in a manner which is very personal to the patient
The Latent Phase of Labor may extend to long and unpredictable lengths, and the active pains may start at any time which again is unpredictable and may pose problems.
Here with the DCD Protocol we aim at cutting short the latent phase ,pushing the parturient forward to enter the Active Phase, which also relieves the unnecessary stress and tension in the patient and outcome is better.
It is well known that a soft and favourable cervix becomes responsive and thereby facilitates the momentum of the ongoing labor progress
Our efforts are targeted at this Latent Phase to trigger the more predictable Active Phase in a planned way. Once achieved, the active phase will take its own natural course.
The DCD Protocol-
The dcd protocol is a comprehensive process which involves adequate counseling and informed consent with application of a dcd criteria prior to admission.
This is followed by activation of labor under close monitoring with assessment of outcms and routine follow-up.
Patient selection begins during the 1st antenatal visit provided she’s a healthy ANC
Inclusion depends on her willingness after DCD counseling.
-gestational age of >/= 38 wks,
-uncomplicated pregnancy,
-clinically adequate pelvis,
-suitable usg findings,
-suitability/qualifying for trial of labour,
& informed consent form the check list prior to DCD.
After admission, the active phase is triggered once the dcd criteria are fulfilled. This is the final check…
Which includes,

-DCD Trigger criteria
Regular FHS,
Irritable uterus,
Cephalic presentation
Intact membranes
Hd at brim
Bishop’s 4-5
Once the trigger point is confirmed, Labour is activated with
Intracervical dinoprostone instillation under close monitoring
Oxytocin drip commenced as indicated.
ARM done at a 3 cm dilated >50% effaced soft cx.
Augmentation continued aided by Drotaverine and epidosin injections an hr apart.
All being well pt is expected to deliver by late evening
So, what are the benefits of the Day Care Delivery Option as opposed to the conventional vaginal deliveries?
*Frm the pt’s perspective, 
-its s a planned admission
-less transportation problems
-family support available  .
*From the hospital perspective,
-senior medical and nursing staff will be available when the patient arrives.
Hence the emphasis changes from Masterly Inactivity and watchful expectancy to Masterly Activity and watchful expectancy.
Such mode of delivery is cost-effective and helps the women, resume their duties faster both in personal and professional fronts. These modalities make both the Rural as well as Urban clientele more receptive to the idea.
Advantages of Day care are always there, everything is planned and help is available, for instance, the Neonatologist, Anaesthetist, Blood, Pathological Investigations  etc are at hand, compared to that in the middle of the night,
So the bottom line is, DCD may prove to be a suitable option for the patient and her obstetrician ensuring quality labour and Optimal perinatal outcome in the present day, helping the Pleasant Births of both a Cute Baby and Its Mommy.