Sunday 27 May 2012



I feel sad…dejected…as I write this.

I need to clarify this at the very outset that I Am Not going to Justify any wrong doing here…..

Imagine us Doctors….we sat there viewing the whole episode, that in the end somehow brought everyone of us Medical professionals, into the witness box….and we were made to feel guilty....all of us…of acts that we may not have done at all….

If I get a Labour [delivery] call now, I’ll rush to the hospital and try to do the best I can for the mother and her baby….and what would I feel if the patient or the attendants ask me,
“ma’am  are u sure u need to get all these investigations done”,
 “are u sure u are doing the right thing not doing a Caesarean on my patient”,
“are u sure u Do need to do a Caesarean ??!!”……………

How will I convince my patient who needs a Hysterectomy, but after having watched smj, is totally uncertain and has lost all faith in a Doctor !! how miserable she’d be…..bcoz after all, a Patient-Doctor relationship is based only and only on Mutual Faith !!.....

I ask myself, “Is it all really worth it ??!!!........every moment, walking a tight-rope ??!!”
Why do I care ??”.....

But ironically, I Do…….

And inspite of everything, I’ll collect myself and try to do whatever best I can so that she leaves my Chamber and Hospital with a smile on her face………….

Smj Has Reach now… should use this power very very properly….generalizing anything might do more Harm than Help at times……..

Kahi aisa naa ho, that whatever shreds of Faith are remaining, of a patient on the doctor, go to shambles now……

Kahi aisa naa ho, that now if someone gets a pain-abdomen, due to lack faith, he suffers more of psychological stress than the physical ailment itself….

Kahi aisa naa ho, that because of the negativities, the ppl who are willing to, and are doing good get discouraged….this will be an irreversible blunder…..

Yes, Doctors are the Intelligent Lot…fine…and hence, as he said they can then employ very many ways and means to earn money…..then why don’t they go for easier methods….why do they slog all their lives…..always having to cope up with everyone around…..authorities, patients, staff….yes, even the lower most ones…..and to get what….perennial dissatisfaction from the family for not being able to be there with them as much as they should ??!!.......
…….sochne wali baat hai…..

Zaraa si Gandagi bhi safed chaadar par ujaagar ho jaati hai…..wahin ek pehle se mailey kapde par toh kitna bhi keechad uchhalo, uska kuchh nahi bigadta !!! such is the situation of us in this profession…..

And again I would like to say that because doctors are the more Decent and Read ppl of the lot, they tend to keep mum to maintain the decorum of their personality, not stooping low to place their stand…..and go on with their work as Health Care professionals taking everything in their stride quietly and politely……

How can we justify the increasing abusive behavior and man handling of doctors that’s on a high now…..
And still it is so ridiculous that We are the ones, expected to behave Sanely in a Saintly manner !!....

Now a little bit about Hysterectomy…..

Again, I don’t say that any surgery done when not indicated is right, yet I just want to bring some points in Light here…..

…the biggest culprit is our society and its roodhiwaadi orthodox customs. Most of you will agree that even in our homes, a woman is kept Isolated for those days when she is in her periods….exceptions in metros might be there, but mostly the scenario is such that during those days she’s kept away from Kitchen work and because then the work comes onto the MIL etc, or sometimes on husband, the days are really Broadcast…when everyone in the family and neighbors etc too come to know when and for how many days the woman was menstruating….and that’s not all, every single day that goes beyond 5 days is taken against her every month…..
At long last even if she is having just spotting but her periods last for 7-8 days she is taken to the gynaec….and when asked, “kya takleef hai?”, she says….. “mera mahina bigad gayaa hai !!!!!”……now they want a treatment that she should menstruate the way they want,
… in the quantity that they want,
….and for the duration too that they want !! this possible???,
 and then anything deviating from their wants is taken as a dreadful disease and the pt is labeled that….“iski bachchaadaani kharaab ho gayi hai”…..
…..and then they ask….is there any permanent solution other than surgery?....
…..when you say No…..thats it….that becomes the last nail on the coffin…..and then the family is bound to get that poor uterus out by hook or by crook……

Now God forbid, if a pt has an erosion, or a small innocent fibroid, the gynaec has to report that…..and the next question that pops up is……will it go completely with medicines??..... the course that it’ll take is not clearcut or predictable…..hence again….they want surgery….

The reproductive age of a woman is going on increasing with Menarche earlier and Menopause much later, periods of amenorrhoea very less because of less no of children , compared to the olden days when most of the time the women were either pregnant or in lactational amenorrhoea…..hence more the number of periods…..and the deviations too….

Life expectancy has been increasing hence is the risk of disease….

Lap Tubectomies….LTTs ie…done in huge numbers in Camps lead to seeding of infections due to poor sterilization, catering to such large amounts at a time….in turn more of intractable PID cases…..

STDs are going on increasing with Polygamous practices….

Level of Threshold from clinicians is lowering due to Demand Of Safe and Permanent treatment options…..

Zaraa sochiye….is it just the doctors responsible for hysterectomies of a whole village ?? we are talking about a major surgery takes no less than God to convince so many ppl with only wrong intention…
…..if only doctors could do that, then the VT programs would have been a grand success too….

So my appeal is…Beware…Before its too late……

There is Good, AND There is Bad !! its neither Only Gud, nor Only Bad….

May Discrimination Power prevail……………………

…..Satyameva jayate…………..


  1. Agreed. There is a flip side to everything. But that should not stop us from introspecting. Generalization is bad but today a greater percentage of doctors are bringing a bad name to the society - either individually or with the hospitals they are attached to.

  2. If Sudden death occours after any surgery due to Medical Problems ...the Advocates First question to Doctor is...Sir,why did you not investigated her fully before taking for surgery????

  3. Aamir him self was advertising for PEPSI, and that is harmful drink it contains pastrisides...was that not for money ??? Moreover influencing power of doctor is much less then an Actor!!! Didnt he cause detremental effects on health? If a doctor prescribes branded drug, he is atleast giving something which is required by the patient...but how do you justify pepsi????
