Sunday 13 May 2012


Episode-2, “Satyamev Jayate !!”…

Switched on the TV for the second episode, with crossed fingers.
No, I wasn’t in the least on to finding flaws or loop holes….not at all…any attempt at anything society-friendly, was good enough for me.

So, I was plain simple anxious, because I wanted it to go on……
The episode ended….and I was sitting there….with tearfilled eyes….but with a big Smile !!...feeling, only - Relief !!!!..... :)

I wasn’t at all concerned what any other person might think, but had made my own standards that I wished it would fulfill in the subsequent episodes….and it Had in this one…!! :)

To say the least, this Sunday morning hasn’t been generous to me…my son was running 103*F temp….my hubbs, a busy surgeon was about to go to the hospital….and I had some how managed to sit in front of TV at 11 am. Hubby dearest, inspite of being in a great big hurry, sat with me, and the moment we saw the kids in there, about to be instructed, he got up and brought the dull feverish child from the bedroom and placed him gently on my lap so that my son could also see first hand, what was being told. And surprisingly, he understood too….

Just few minutes back I myself had a one-to-one conversation with my kids…..about the issue, and they gladly employed me and their papa as their “Bodyguards” !! :)

At least I am in no risk of forgetting the child helpline no-1098, nor are my Kids !! :)

I was amazed at the ease in which such a difficult thing was explained to the most difficult audience….viz, KIDS !!....

Aamir had done it again….with Finesse, Ease, Conviction and to Perfection !!....not to forget, being Entertaining as well !! :)

He had done the relevant homework, and yet again….
Did have an answer…again having at least something solid that each and everyone in the audience could do…to contribute….

He Is making a Difference….
Social Reforms may not come in a day, But they are Underway with this show….involving each and every person alike…..

Every Genuine effort should be appreciated, however irregular, however incomplete, however small it may seem to some of us…..IF it is headed in the right direction !!...and this Show Sure Is…….
I for one, got another message loud and clear.……if you do believe in something….go ahead with it…..If it has to do any good, It will !!!...

Gradually we had started losing faith in the words “Satyamev Jayate”….which were slowly becoming just words…..
But now I am confident, the Meaning will Not be Lost !!!


1 comment:

  1. I think you have echoed my sentiments !!!!This show does fill one with so much hope !!!!
