Monday 24 June 2013

Measures against Female Feticide...

Measures to Restrict Female Feticide-

Some measures apart from those already afoot, that can help effectively restrain the female feticide-

1- Antenatal Registration to be mandatory upto 8 weeks of gestation so that no pregnancy is disturbed without being known after Sex Determination. [ SD in gestation < 8 weeks is very difficult]

2- ANC Registration Number to be synced  with the Universal Identity Number so that the baby inside the womb can also be given an individual UID that is unique to him/her and its development and future can be followed.

3- The specific UID number should be Mentioned and documented in every ANC check up, Ultrasonography, Abortion or Delivery, Specially in the Birth-Certificate. This can be used for the baby till it acquires its own UID after birth.

4- Termination of any pregnancy >8weeks should not be done without any solid grounds or indication. The Parents and their Obstetrician should give an Affidavit against SD and should intimate the concerned authorities beforehand in case of pregnancy termination.

5- In case of termination >8 weeks gestation, the products of conception or abortus and Mother’s DNA sample should be preserved to be send to the Pathology for SD and organized enquiry if found to be a Female.

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