Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Jag way.... :)

The Jag way!! :)

It all started when one fine day, we decided to get a new sedan.

We were and still are perfectly fine with our existing Mitsubishi Cedia, and hence a lot of inertia needed to be overcome before we made up our minds for a new one.

My husband Dr Shravan is very passionate and selective about cars as he is about driving. He can thus never be a comfy chauffeur driven car owner.

Being doctors we weren't very ambitious. Still, driven by the sheer goal of a perfectly driven vehicle, we stepped out of the line and went into the seemingly unchartered territory of the Audi-s and Merc-s!!

Yes we did try them out with the decision of rounding in to one.

Now Shravan being a very methodical and strategic planner did all the homework and started to go about it.

In the process, we did find some lacunae in both, which in our minds were covered up by the big brand names that they were. You see, Audi is Audi and Merc is Merc, so we just couldn't go about finding faults in them. Whatever that there is or isn't for that matter is to be taken as default and not a loop hole. :)

As we went about, it was Papa, who said that if we are going for such a high segment car, it should be only pertinent to look into other options too like the Jaguar!!!

The Jaguar?!! No way, we thought, almost laughing...
Jag was totally out of bounds!!!
How could we?!...
Or should we?!...
Well, no harm in at least seeing it!!

Ok, so 'looking into' Jag came into our agenda...

Hereon, what i say is from my own perspective....Shravan, an expert and me a complete contrast...

Out of curiosity I logged into an AV about Jag in the youtube. By then, I had fairly made up my mind for the Audi A6.

Unfortunately the video that I chanced upon, gave a very, sort of demeaning opinion of Jag 2.2 l vs the higher end versions.

Whatever the brand, i was clearly disappointed and secretly decided not to think about it any further.

For me, it was like, 'what the heck, first purchase such a hotshot vehicle, build a garage for its size, arrange for bouncers ;) go about slogging for the huge instalments and save ourselves from suffering from nothing less than a heart attack at even the slightest accidental scratch on it?!!'
Spare me….

Moreover, me as a woman was obviously concerned more about the seating comfort at the passenger seat, that which i was already enjoying in my Cedia than anything else apart from the immense price tag.

Jag had failed to impress me enough...

Ok....such was the scenario when we incidentally had to go for an Indore de tour en route Ujjain.

We, me, my son and papa ie, were standing in the porch of Radisson's at around 9 pm, waiting for our Cedia to turn up.

Papa walking by said to me, 'what car is this one?'
I obediently looked in the direction behind me, where he was pointing.....

And then it happened!!!

My heart gave a huge, nearly audible leap....
What i saw was not an inanimate vehicle made of metal...
It was a pair of eyes!!! Bright and alive!! Staring straight at me....point blank !!!
I stood rooted there for sometime before i started breathing normally again...

Oh my dear God !! What was this?! Cars and Guns are supposed to be the Men's fads....and here i was with a feeling, completely unexpected of me !! It wasn't a 'something' it was a 'somebody' standing in front of me.....the beast itself, tamed and docile, making eye contact.....the eyes talking to me!! Nothing else existed for me for those moments except for this magical experience!!

When i eventually came back to this world so ordinary, i smiled. :) all the lights were getting reflected on stood gloriously.....its beauty for me to savour....have my heart's fill....mocking me at the doubts i dared to cater...

Had it not been for the people around, i would have caught my ears and said 'Sorry' to it for my innocent folly.

Yes, my decision was was Jag for me....come what may!!! :)


  1. The Jag was always know as the beauty and the beast in one.
    Yes, it does carry that macho intimidating look with that distinct trademark grill and fits u like a glove the moment you are in it.

    You went to buy a sedan and ended up buying the Baap of all CARS.

    Congratulations once again.

    Burn the roads n make sure every horse is used for the powder it's worth.


  2. Owned by Tata Motors , Jaguar has always believed that a car is the closest thing you can create to something that is alive..!
    A very good decision taken by you..!!

  3. Truly thoughtful way u discribed th journey of decision making. I am impressd. Vivek

  4. hi maam great to read your JAG journey and your love and affection against your car I meet lot of customers in my span of period but none of them is like you and thanks to you and Dr. Sharwan Malvi for give me a chance to be your friend Hip Hip Hurray for your new upcoming Beauty Machine All New Jaguar XF and its my pleasure to meet both of you ------------Rajeev Pareek CEO JLR Indore

    1. The pleasure is all ours sir...many thanks fr ur kind wrds 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
