Monday 5 January 2015

O M G!!

15th Oct 2014
.....exactly one month today....
One month, ie 4 weeks, ie 30 days.....
...From 15th Sept...the day, when God decided to click on the "Pause" our smoothly running life....and then to click the "slow motion" !!

O Lord Almighty!! 
I love You.... I know You are with me....near me....all the time!!
I am sorry for what I made you go through!! The dilemma that I put you in, because You luved me, because You hate to see me suffer!!
But my Karma had it all in store for me....How could you change that?!
Still You went out of Your rule-book and cushioned me....made sure that I suffered the least....

I pondered all these days as I shall continue in future too....thinking mode....introspecting....

One fine day,
we both lay our fowler beds....the door lock of our room got could be opened only from inside....oh how very easy it was a few days back...but now?!
We panicked !! Family and staff panicked outside our room!! There was commotion as the spare key bunch was frantically searched for.
It was was shocking...we both lying there...helpless...
I had kept a spare key securely, called up papa because it was impossible to let my voice heard sensibly in that chaos and discord. Thankfully i had my celfone with me. Tried calling up papa.....he didnt answer.....
probably in his hurry, he had left it in his room....
As a last ditch effort i called him as loud as i cud, to get his mobile....
He heard!! :) then i called and directed him step by step towards where the key was...
He got it....the door was opened...

Innumerable such experiences....making us think even harder....

We were gud ppl, weren't we?! Yet this happened to us. But are we complaining? Absolutely not!! 
Why? Simply bcoz we were left with so much our new being still better persons.

God saved us fr a reason. He had things in his mind for us to do....the rest of my new life is now gonna be this quest. The quest to decipher his biddings and act the way He has chosen for me to....
I am sure, we'll not let Him down....we'll triumph!! 